Date Today for Firefox
Il miglior orologio visualizza data e ora con un solo sguardo: digitale nella barra degli strumenti e analogico nel menu del browser, offrendo immediata informazione sulla data e l'ora attuali.
554 utenti
Cital - Citation Generator
Easily Generate Citations by entering the DOI of a paper.
551 utenti
A minimal, less attention grabbing, internet experience.
549 utenti
Gifs autoplay for Google™
Autoplays gifs on Google™ Search Images.
549 utenti
A dynamic theme that allows colouring Firefox in a Vivaldi style fashion.
548 utenti
Semplice lista di cose da fare con il look minimalista di libro. Aggiungere, modificare e cancellare i loro compiti con un solo clic del mouse.
545 utenti
Thematic (was Persona Switcher)
Quickly switch between your themes or reset the theme back to the default via a menu or the keyboard. You can also automatically rotate through all of your themes on a time interval you select. Works for Firefox and Thunderbird.
544 utenti
Enable Right Click for Web Developer
Re-enable Right Click for Web Developer™
543 utenti
YouTube Full Windowed
This extension adds the ability to toggle a full windowed mode in YouTube website
542 utenti
Call a Number via Fritz!Box
Markieren Sie eine Telefonnummer auf einer Webseite oder in einer Email und Rufen diese über das Contextmenü direkt über die Fritz!Box an. Benötigt eine Fritz Box mit Firmware 5.5+ und aktivierte Wählhilfe.
540 utenti
Tab Split Merger
Split tabs into separate windows and easily merge them back together into one.
539 utenti
Doodle Jump
The green alien needs your help to jump higher! The famous Doodle Jump game is available in your browser.
539 utenti
Navigate Up WE
Navigate up one or more URL levels, using the toolbar button, context menu or keyboard shortcut.
539 utenti
Disable Twitter/X Trends
Hides trends on Twitter/X
539 utenti
Simple link preview
Preview links without leaving your current page.
535 utenti
Open a list of URL at startup in new pinned tabs. (Pinned home pages)
533 utenti
Disable Tab Detach 2
Previene la distacco involontario (strappo) di una linguetta dalla finestra. Quando la linguetta viene staccata dalla finestra, riportarla nella posizione originale.
531 utenti
Font Inspector (WebExtension)
Click on any element to get the font info in a page popup
530 utenti
TWP - Translate Web Pages (Custom)
Translate your page in real time using Google or Yandex. This extension is a fork of TWP - Translate Web Pages.
530 utenti
Close Tab Button Quantum
Toolbar button to close the current tab. Works on the newest version of Firefox. This is a replacement for browser.tabs.closeButtons feature set to '3' of old firefox.
530 utenti
Modifies the stylesheet for OpenAI Chat to make wider the space of answers (makes it more comfortable to read code there)
529 utenti
Color Temperature (Change Lux)
An easy to use screen color temperature addon!
528 utenti
Very Simple Notepad
This is a Very Simple Notepad. Good for everything. Just jot down your Ideas or notes so you don't forget them. Very helpful. Saves when you close it. Saves and works on all tabs.
528 utenti
Copy Image Text
Copy the text of the image.
527 utenti
Audible Volume Control
Adds a volume controller to the Audible web-player.
527 utenti