EpubKit Pro
Web page to epub
15 utenti
Opens various page analytic tools - SEO, CMS, & WHOIS information for any page you visit.
14 utenti
YouTube Channel Homepage Set to Videos
All links referencing a channel's page will reference to that channel's "videos" page (not "home" page).
14 utenti
WASD Pager
Page Flipping Helper Extension for Firefox. *A - PagePrevious *D - PageNext W - PageUp S - PageDown Q - Home E - End * - need to be configured. Using [RegExp] to match the [Site], and [querySelector] to find the corresponding Document Elements
14 utenti
Каждый раз, когда вы ищете что-то в интернете — поисковые системы получают десятки и сотни рублей от компаний, заказавших рекламу по вашему запросу. Установив расширение Datafee — эти деньги будут оплачены Вам!
14 utenti
Artificial Intelligence to Genie in a Bottle
Changes the term "Artificial Intelligence" or "AI" to "Genie in a Bottle. Works also in Finnish. Credit of the idea goes to my friend Lauri. Source at <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/01dd7d1bbdfe9502314f4d0a159ad594a7037469653ff2d13aae6df14d54fcdd/https%3A//github.com/mikkoim/genie" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/mikkoim/genie</a>
14 utenti
Full Screen Sci-hub
Sci-hub is a great resource for scientists and other consumers of research. The left side panel is, however, distracting. This extension automatically removes the side panel, providing a nearly full screen PDF viewing experience within Sci-hub.
14 utenti
abcjs player mod
Extra options for playing midi on adcjs-based web player
14 utenti
TeX Gyre Pagella Math Font Package
Bring TeX Gyre Pagella Math font for Mozilla's MathML engine.
14 utenti
Use this add on to go to next pages in forum without clicking tiny page numbers
14 utenti
Tab [a]123bc
Opens every new tab after the last opened, activated or moved tab.
14 utenti
LinksTamed SEO Tool
Расcчитайте внутренний статический вес страниц сайта и проведите аудит многих факторов, связанных со ссылками.
14 utenti
Twitter PWA colors fixer
Fixes invalid theme colors in twitter's PWA
14 utenti
Math Equation
Required TeX markup language to take math here, there, or just about anywhere that images are supported.
14 utenti
PracticeSync Payment Extension
A payment integration extension for processing payments to card reader terminals.
14 utenti
Edupage Addons
Enhance your Edupage experience!
14 utenti
Tooltip Jisyo
Tooltip でじしょを引く
14 utenti
Adult Content Blocker
Blocks all sites including adult content.
14 utenti
ニコニコ動画の2024年6月〜8月の障害からの復旧と同時に提供が終了した、ニコニコ動画 (GINZA) 後期 〜 (eR) までのいわゆる (旧) HTML5版プレーヤーを、ニコニコ動画 (帰ってきた) のプレーヤーと置き換える拡張機能です
14 utenti
Add the resize option to every textarea html tag.
14 utenti
Fleaflicker Extender
An extension that provides enhanced searching of players in your NHL fleaflicker league.
14 utenti
巴哈姆特動花瘋 後台自動播放廣告(需要播放影片到一定長度)在下一集的時候可以不用看廣告
14 utenti
Minor Version in Toolbar
Shows the MINOR software version (the trailing part of the version number, starting with the first dot).
14 utenti
Merges all open tabs into one bookmark folder to be restored later. Just like all other bookmarks, MergeMarks are synced and backed up by your browser (if enabled).
14 utenti
Display contents of Wiktionary and Wikipedia in the window.
14 utenti