CF Get Problems
Get all problems for Codeforces problems for a certain contest on every page.
14 utenti
Goat - private short links for teams
Goat is a private URL shortener makes it easy to share links with your team. Shorten your links to a single keyword and access them directly from your browser by typing "go mykeyword" or elsewhere with "<a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>".
14 utenti
Extension Click2Call pour votre ligne VOIP OVH!
14 utenti
CAT4Web - CAT features on the Web!
14 utenti
Hello Talent
Source and qualify candidates anywhere you find them on the web
14 utenti
Count pending ajax requests
14 utenti
Words Discoverer
Highlights rare English dictionary words and idioms on web pages. Facilitates English language learning and expands your vocabulary.
14 utenti
Chan Imageboard Video FPS
View the fps of webms/videos on imageboards such as <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>.
14 utenti
Anchor Selector
To change URL hash, Click icon and select anchor element has id attribute.
14 utenti
Scrapboxをもっと便利に使う、楽しく遊ぶ、自由に拡張するための非公式ブラウザ拡張機能です。 搭載機能 - <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a> 機能の有効化 - ユーザーが必要とする機能のみを有効化できます。 - 詳細は下記リンク先をご覧ください。 - <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>
14 utenti
Refresh in URL bar for Android
Adds a refresh button in the address bar. Icon has been changed to the Firefox Android refresh icon. Based on Australis-like refresh in URL bar by Andrei Cristian Petcu (<a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>)
14 utenti
Agricola power
This addon is meant to work only for <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a> website. It takes officially calculated powers of cards publicly available on forum of same site (i.e. not giving user any advantage he would not be able to get manually) and draws card power in t
14 utenti
دستیار آموزشیار
این افزونه باگ سامانه آموزشیار را که باعث میشود در زمان انتخاب واحد، با جستجو نام دروس نتیجهای یافت نشود را حل میکند.
14 utenti
ProxySwitch SS
This extension disable/enable proxy with one click.
14 utenti
Stop Westlaw Timeout
An extension that stops Westlaw pages from timing out.
14 utenti
Better Wikipedia
Fixes some annoying things about Wikipedia
14 utenti
YouTube Emote Downloader
An extension that helps download full-quality versions of YouTube Channel emotes and Membership Badges.
14 utenti
Allows the user to create a set of quick text replacements so you can automatically insert frequently used text based on text keys. Once you've created your text and keys just type the key in any text box and hit Ctrl+. and your text will be entered.
14 utenti
Reading Progress Bar
Adds a colored reading progress bar to the top of web pages. Ideal for tracking reading progress in peripheral vision while reading.
14 utenti
WhiskyBabbler Guide
WhiskyBabbler Guide. Erfahre mehr über die Whisky Brennereien in nur wenigen Klicks.
14 utenti
EO.Market – Crypto Market Statistics
View realtime cryptocurrencies prices and coin market cap.
14 utenti
Beigeman's Pardus Keyboard Actions Script
Provides additional keyboard-based functionality for <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>
14 utenti
User-defined Content Security Policy
14 utenti
Context menu item to copy tooltip text: link title, "alt" image description, value of date input field, etc. to struggle with pages pretending to be friendly with text like "7 days ago" when you need actual date from tooltip for your notes.
14 utenti
Unblur The Page
Unblurs the page for android!
14 utenti