Elm Package Info
Display additional information for a package on <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/49231c177437a21b680af3a82ed9a09ba19aecfba7c0b5be189044092c17744d/http%3A//package.elm-lang.org" rel="nofollow">package.elm-lang.org</a> (install command, license, dependencies, …)
14 utenti
All engine search
Search for everything you want in all search engines at the same time
14 utenti
MVP Docs & Learn Champion extension
This extension adds a 'Copy link address with CreatorID' item to your Chrome on suitable sites. It also ensures that the CreatorID is correctly added to the URL, so you don't have to worry about whether the URL alread
14 utenti
Cпециальное браузерное расширение для респондентов панели TNS Central Asia
14 utenti
巴哈姆特動花瘋 後台自動播放廣告(需要播放影片到一定長度)在下一集的時候可以不用看廣告
14 utenti
Zach Whaley
Use Pull Request description as Squashed and Merged commit messages.
14 utenti
Erase distractions
Erase elements of any webpage in just one click. Less addictions, more focus
14 utenti
Readocracy Reading Extension
Get credit for anything you read online and show what you know. Readocracy lets you get credit for being well-informed, and helps you use it to boost your professional credibility, while organizing your mind. An account on <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/cb78b63339b8473c01d9dd125a0cc4a397b49885aab698c4fb0e6e849faffd24/http%3A//Readocracy.com" rel="nofollow">Readocracy.com</a> is required.
14 utenti
14 utenti
14 utenti
MA Full Screen2
A fullscreen add-on
14 utenti
Auto Login
Uses a auto login a blsspainmorocco website
14 utenti
Isanalyzer, pour Image Size Analyzer, permet de découvrir en un seul clic quelles images sont redimensionnées à la hausse ou à la baisse côté client.
14 utenti
5ch(<a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/5be6328f30eaea8b0658b8c2d68e9b9295443d16e54a9c53874e6043213684a3/http%3A//5ch.net" rel="nofollow">5ch.net</a>、元2ch)のスレッドは「全部」と書かれたリンクをクリックしないと、全表示にはなりません。 このスクリプトはその一回のクリックを省略するソフトです。 インストールすると、板のトップページのリンクでurlの最後のl50が除去されていて、 一回のクリックいきなり全表示になります。 bbspink、open2ch、<a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/8d5b84503d5b556d4c15e1c956fdd3a18bdced636f4e3296c6d01af852bac796/http%3A//2ch.sc" rel="nofollow">2ch.sc</a>、open2ch.netでも適用されます。
14 utenti
Redirect to old.reddit.com
Force redirect <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/a1b4e6d4424a017e62e400fca715d2086015588f28c068da20c3c5217a52b04d/http%3A//www.reddit.com" rel="nofollow">www.reddit.com</a> to <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/d613ac6f1e810cb84d22fb73d71bcee20261111b03bca28c0892071be47c0f2f/http%3A//old.reddit.com" rel="nofollow">old.reddit.com</a> using webRequestBlocking (faster than RES).
14 utenti
Use ChatGPT to summarize page.
14 utenti
Entgendern nach Phettberg
Vereinheitlicht die gängigsten Sorten von Binnen-Is, Sternen, Unterstrichen etc. auf besuchten deutschsprachigen Webseiten und entgendert sie nach der Methode von Phettberg.
14 utenti
Allows answer viewing on <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/bbf497c6da726a3178263e464078b5a3dc25f7953caccdd2af427ee8b550406f/http%3A//hamrocsit.com" rel="nofollow">hamrocsit.com</a>
14 utenti
Page Dimmer
Adjust the opacity of any webpage to reduce eye strain.
14 utenti
PASTats - intelligent history
Explore your past with advanced statistics.
14 utenti
编程学院 - 在线交互式编程学习平台。在几秒钟之内启动在线编程环境,超过70种预制编程环境可用,支持自定义编程环境,随处可用。 7天免费试用。
14 utenti
Language TranslatorX
The Language Translator Chrome extension is a powerful tool for seamless translation between multiple languages. Its user-friendly interface and robust functionality enable effective communication across borders, breaking down language barriers.
14 utenti
Goat - private short links for teams
Goat is a private URL shortener makes it easy to share links with your team. Shorten your links to a single keyword and access them directly from your browser by typing "go mykeyword" or elsewhere with "<a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/f21d6b3e9b164833391206d02d5482e71e3c0f70d392e837918f70d84d8f6e2b/https%3A//ga.tc/mykeyword">https://ga.tc/mykeyword</a>".
14 utenti
CF Get Problems
Get all problems for Codeforces problems for a certain contest on every page.
14 utenti
Emphfy Is Very Powerful Extension To Extract E-Mail ID's,Phone NUMBERS,Linkedin LINKS,Facebook LINKS and Instagram LINKS Automatically From Web Pages.
14 utenti